Mbesa Mission Hospital

A bush hospital in southern Tanzania

Getting Involved

Interested in getting involved?

There are several options to contribute to Mbesa Mission Hospital:

We are currently recruiting Doctors and medical staff able to offer more than one year of their lives. Posts are unsalaried and individuals need to raise their own financial support. Medical Doctors of any discipline are welcome. The willingnes to work interdisciplinary is essential.
Bei Interesse senden sie uns doch bitte ein Email an Mbesa.Hospital@cmml-tz.org

If you would like to financially support the work of Mbesa Mission Hospital you can do this through our German partner Forum Wiedenest, bank details are below:

Forum Wiedenest, coordinates our donations and is in receipt of a donation certificate of the German Evangelical Alliance. This means in effect that donations with the specific purpose for Mbesa Hospital will be dedicated funds that can only be used for the Hospital. Because of the charitable aspect, the donations are tax deductible. (German donations only, at present). Donations can go to: (Grundsätze für den Umgang mit Spenden). Ab einer Jahres-Gesamtsumme von 20€ wird am Jahresanfang für das zurückliegende Jahr eine Spendenquittung ausgestellt, die beim Finanzamt eingereicht werden kann (bitte teilen Sie Ihre Anschrift an info@wiedenest.de mit). Eine Spende kann per Überweisung oder Dauerauftrag an folgende Adresse gehen:

bank account details
Forum Wiedenest e.V.
Volksbank Oberberg
IBAN: DE71 3846 2135 2202 7000 15
keyword: Hospital Mbesa

It is possible to give via paypal www.wiedenest.de Choose and then click on the paypal icon. It leads you to a form where you can specify an amount. Hospital Mbesa

email Wiedenest

On behalf of our patients and the entire hospital team, we thank you very much for your help!